"You always want to invest in things people can't do without. Water and cemeteries... pretty safe bets."

~ Mr. Brooks (2007)
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See if your browser is supported.

The Oregeon Film Museum Take Player has been tested using the operating system and browser combinations shown on this page. Other browsers may work as well, but have not been tested.

To see if your browser has been successfully tested, find your operating system on the left, and look across the page and find the symbol under your browser. If you see a red 'X' under your browser, it is likely that your takes will not play in our player.

Please use a browser with a green checkmark below it. A green checkmark indicates that we have successfully tested our player using that combination, and it should work on your system.

A grey 'X' indicates that the browser is not available on that operating system.

We have tested all of these combinations, and your takes should play in all supported browsers. However, if you find that your Operating System / Browser combination is shown as supported, but your takes are still not playing, please email us at ofmsupport@interplayinc.com.


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Copyright 2018 Oregon Film Museum